May 20, 2011
- 9 Apr 2006 . The long wavelength is equivalent to red and the short, blue (with . Answers to Science Questions · Interviews with Famous Scientists .
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- Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red? To answer these .
- Ask Jeeves for Kids This is the children's version of a popular search engine. . and give you a list of the sites that are most likely to help you answer your question. . Just type in your question - e.g. "why is the sky blue? .
- You can find answers to these questions and play a hurricane word game called . Taking advantage of this interest, NASA's website for kids, The Space Place, . After (or before) reading a short, illustrated article introducing black hole . Why is the sky blue? Why does the sky sometimes turn red at sunset? .
- 6 Nov 2008 . Why Is The Sky Blue?: Geraldine Taylor and Amy Schimler . The answers given are short, scientifically accurate and in language appropriate .
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- Children come up with a variety of answers when asked why the sky is blue. Their answers are a direct result of what they hear from peers, parents, .
- Why is The Sky Blue, it was about why is the sky blue question for kids, you may found short answer from wiki, yahoo answer, eksperiment book, or even funn.
- But what is it that makes the sky blue? If the sky is actually space, . Do you feel this article has a purely commercial purpose and provides no answers? .
- Why is the sky blue: Short Summary. Why is the sky blue, you ask? Blue in sunlight collides with air molecules and our eyes see it as blue. .
- Kids have the knack of asking questions that can leave you stumped. . When my child asked me why the sky is blue, I was stumped. . I found out that if you give short answers to a curious child's “why” questions, they will not be .
- 9 Jun 2010 . (For “Why is the sky blue?” I refer you here.) . The “there are many different kinds of families” shtick comes up very short at times like those. . I'm not sure, yet, how to answer our child(ren)'s questions about .
- He was astonished when I didn't know the answer. . by peacefulparadox. why is the sky blue? by Bozoplay. Astronomy for Kids and Children by Paul Scanlon .
- 5 answersSimilar questions: answer kids question sky BLUE . Now if your child asks you why sunsets are often red, the short answer to that is that when the sun is .
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- "True," Einstein said, "but this year all answers are different." . Why the Sky Is Blue by John Ciardi I don't suppose you happen to know. Why the sky is blue? . Albert Einstein for Kids. Way to Go, Einstein! - Ology .
- 3 Jun 2009 . I can't remember why I asked, but I remember the answer. . Blue has a short wavelength so when it hits the dust it bounces around in all directions, . A lot of that ability is because I see kids as mini-scientists. .
- answers to questions kids ask. Q: Why is space black and the sky is blue? .
- Answer: Rayleigh scattering. In short, the sky is blue because of "Rayleigh .
- The kids brought in answers for apples, peaches, bananas, kiwi fruit, . . The red strings are long (4' or so), blues are short (1') and yellows are . And finally they should be able to answer this one themselves: Why is the sky blue? .
- Why is the sky blue? This is optics, but it's not optical design! But of course we'll give the answer: Rayleigh scattering. . browser's BACK button to return to your previous point -- if you came from OPTICS FOR KIDS, . . line) closer to the mirror than the lower (blue) ray. We say the outer ray "focuses short. .
- 22 Jun 2010 . "If you're stumped for a subject, try your hand at short answer . words) to one of those tricky questions kids ask -- why is the sky blue? .
- 29 Apr 2010 . It could be something simple like, “why is the sky blue? . Look for answers in Funny questions kids ask. Thanks! . For One Month · A Short Selection of “Star Wars” Parodies · 'Super Mario Bros. 3′ Goes Acoustic .
- 4 Apr 1999 . Thank goodness everyone asks why is the sky blue and no one asks the much harder question of why is the sky bright. The Short Answer. .
- 5 answersWhy Is the Sky Blue?: And Other Outdoor Questions (Questions and Answers .
- 19 Sep 2010 . Assuming the parent even knows the answer, it can be a bit frustrating to . physics could answer the “why.” Why is the sky blue? . Should we try to think like kids again, with pristine wonder about the world around us? . Promising Math Career Cut Short · Book Review – Deep Blue Home .
- 4 May 2011 . Kids. We all have questions about the world around us. Here are some common questions and answers are current. Why is the sky blue? .
- Recently the eldest Charlie's three children submitted a short story to Nature Magazine. . Did he ever go out to work in the morning, like other kids' dads? . “Why is the sky blue?" I remember asking. Most adults would answer, .
- Get answers now to these common kids science questions: Why is the sky blue? (sample magzine article). What is static electricity? (sample magzine article) .
- 10 answersThe sunlit sky appears blue because air scatters short-wavelength . . http://www.answers.com/topic/why-is-the-sky-blue-kids · Why Is the Sky Blue? .
- As kids grow up, they inevitably have endless questions about how the world works. Some you can't answer (why is the sky blue? .
- "Why Is The Sky Blue Short Answer For Kids" Stats performed 2011-05-12. Why is the sky blue short answer for kids suggestions (Click to sort alphabetically) .
- 26 May 2006 . Follow these instructions to find out why the sky is blue and sunsets are red. . Activity. printer friendly view. Blue Sky experiment. The answer's in the particles. . SCOPE Science TV for Kids · CSIRO Education Shop .
- Kids Questions. WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? April, 8. The sun shines white and black light to our planet. The white light has all the colors in it. .
- 15 Apr 2006 . I had been planning to write for a while on why the sky is blue, and how the conventional answers are pretty crappy. (The short answer is .
- 15 Aug 2001 . Here's how to answer those Frequently Asked Questions (and sound like you know . Most kids would like to keep it there. Why is the sky blue? . both long and short, are scattered, and the sky appears faded, white, .
- 4 Apr 2011 . “Why is the sky blue?” must be one of the most commonly asked questions by both . has different wavelengths – red has long waves, blue has short waves. . Kids always ask that question. My answer would have been… .
- Why is the sky blue short answer stats. why is the sky blue short answer .
- 8 posts - 8 authors - Last post: 27 Apr 2007Short answer: The sky is blue because of the way the light from the sun interacts with our atmosphere. Our atmosphere is composed of mostly .
- 4 May 2011 . kids science questions: Why is the sky blue? . for years and worked so hard to give away to your short and long term business prospects, .
- 29 Aug 2009 . "Why is the sky blue?" You ask me. Your face is set in .
- Here are a few common answers children give: * The sunlight reflects off the oceans. * The sky is blue because it is the bottom of space. .
- Why is the sky Blue? I remember from physics, something about "dispersion" but what specifically . Some Moms out there know that their kids have selective hearing. . I hope that answers your question Dave and thanks for the email. .
- 10 answers - 6 May 2009The day sky is blue because light is scattered by the atmosphere. Different wavelengths (colors) scatter differently. Short wavelengths like .
- 17 Aug 2007 . Here are some common questions and current answers. . Science Questions From Kids - Why Is The Sky Blue? . . Importance of Earth Day for Students · Current Popular Kids Fads · Hairstyles for Kids - Short Haircuts Are .
- 7 May 2010 . Today I found out why the sky is blue. For the short answer, when light from the sun enters our atmosphere it collides with molecules in the .
- 29 Dec 2006 . Tell Me Why: Answer your Questions and Satisfy your Curiosity. . To explain why the sky is blue we will need to take a quick look at the Sun . Even though violet has a short wavelength and is scattered readily along with blue over the . Cool Math 4 Kids. Sites Of Interest. A. Educational Sites .
- 16 May 2011 . Why is the sky blue? - Does the sky just have a case of the blues? . )Here is a simple experiment which kids can try out at home to see for themselves as to why . The answer given in the book was something like this… .
- 19 Aug 1997 . New Funk & Wagnalls Multimedia Encyclopedia answers a lot of the really tough questions. . If your kids are at that inquisitive age--or if you . Either should be able to reveal the mysteries of blue sky, the inventor .