June 12, 2011
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- Information on current IR issues affecting Victoria including Minimum Wage Orders [Health & Community Services Industry Group among others], Public Holidays .
- When are the school holidays in Victoria? Victorian term dates and school . Public Holidays & Special Occasions in Australia Calendar 2011•2012•2013 .
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- 24 Dec 2010 . Victoria Day is a public holiday in Edinburgh. The day harks back to the heyday of the British Empire, with the cause of celebration a .
- 23 Feb 2011 . Victoria - public holidays. If you are in Australia and you are planning a holiday, you'll find out that is very difficult to find any .
- Download victorian public holidays from Filesonic, Fileserve, Mediafire, Hotfile, Megaupload. Download victorian public holidays from Bitshare, .
- May Weather & Event Guide | What's Open Victoria Day | Holidays in Canada. Victoria Day 2011 Long Weekend Overview. Victoria Day is a public holiday .
- This site may harm your computer.
- Victorian Public Holidays (2011 & 2012). Daylight Saving dates (2011). VMCU Standard Draw (2010/11). VMCU Designated Dates of Play (2011/12) .
- 9 Dec 2010 . Each year presents new challenges in determining which festive season public holidays apply to which employees, none more so than when .
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- Gazetted public holiday dates throughout the Australian states. . Victoria. 2011. 2012. New Year's Day, Mon 3 Jan, Mon 2 Jan. Australia Day, Wed 26 Jan .
- 3 Jan 2011 . Planning a trip to the Grampians this holiday? We have school and public holiday dates to help you plan your Grampians holiday.
- 20 Apr 2011 . Public holidays in Victoria are also governed by the Public Holidays Act 1993. The Victorian legislation operates in tandem with the Fair .
- Public holidays and school terms are designated on a state and territory basis, with the exception of national public holidays. .
- Frankston, Victoria. Search: . (25 April is Easter Monday - a public .
- Jump to Public holiday: Melbourne Cup day is a public holiday for all working within metropolitan Melbourne and some parts of regional Victoria, .
- Lists Victorian public holiday dates for 2011 -2012. These holidays also apply to the Non-Metropolitan Region, with the exception of Melbourne Cup. .
- 6 Jun 2011 . Australia Public Holidays News Update - The Public Holidays Amendment Bill 2011 has successfully passed through the Legislative Council of .
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- 12 Jun 2011 . The next Public Holiday Victoria celebrates is Queen's Birthday on Monday 13th June 2012.Victoria will celebrate the following holidays and .
- 6 Jun 2011 . Sources: Premier of Victoria (State Government of Victoria) and Australian bank holidays and public holidays ( .
- View the public holidays and school holidays observed in VIC (Victoria)
- Non-metropolitan councils in Victoria can opt for a different public holiday in lieu of Melbourne Cup day, which can apply either across their entire .
- 21 Jul 2006 . For a full list of Victorian Public Holidays, see: Victoria Online. For a list of non-Metropolitan public holidays (outside of Melbourne), .
- Visit Frankston - Official Website of the Frankston Visitor Information Centre and Frankston Tourism Inc. Book Accommodation and Tours Online.
- The vast majority of medical practice staff employed in Victoria will have .
- Victorian Public Holidays 2010 / 2011. Published: 17 Dec 2009. When developing your business plan for the next couple of years, it is helpful to know when .
- See Route and Distance Calculator for more accurate driving times and routes from additional locations. Victoria School & Public Holidays .
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- 14 Feb 2011 . Under current Victorian legislation, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday are public holidays. Easter Sunday is not a public .
- 25 Jan 2010 . Victorian Public Holidays 2010. . Please note: Public holidays indicated in Bold are not university holidays. .
- Public holidays [Vic]. Victorian public holiday dates. Includes link to non .
- 7 Nov 2010 . Public Holiday 2011: Taken from the State Government of Victoria's website: .
- VTHC secretary Leigh Hubbard said unions made representation to the Bracks Government earlier this month in a bid to bring Victorian public holidays into .
- 3 Jun 2011 . “All Victorians will continue to enjoy the same number of public holidays each year, regardless of whether they live in regional Victorian .
- Welcome to, Feel the world's pulse! Day and night, our journalists are . . List of Public Holidays: Australia (Victoria). (Year 2010) .
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- 20 Apr 2011 . Also seems odd that the Saturday during Easter in Victoria .
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- Jump to Victoria: Employees not covered by a federal award or agreement are entitled to public holidays under the Victorian Public Holidays Act 1993. .
- AP819922 - Biomedical Engineers (Victorian Public Sector) Award 2002. 35. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. 35.1 A Biomedical Engineer shall be entitled to holidays on the .
- Melbourne, Australia city guide - travel, hotels, restaurants, shopping, cinema and theatre tickets, opera tickets, street maps, Yarra River, .
- 10 Feb 2011 . Victorian Government announces its intention to overturn a .
- Victorian Public Holidays. . 2011 Public Holidays. Victorian public holiday dates are accurate at the time of publishing, but may be subject to change. .
- Resources on public holidays can be found on Victoria Online.