May 31, 2011
- This makes it possible for the doctor to look at the tissue lining the air . It is also possible to use the bronchoscope to obtain small samples of lung tissue . CT scan of the lungs is important if the patient is coughing up blood. .
- Health question: Is it possible to cough up a lung? YES this happened to my roommate last weekend and it was really really scary. what happens is it won't .
- In people with interstitial lung disease, this tissue becomes stiff or scarred, and the air sacs are . A dry cough means you do not cough up any mucus or sputum. . Possible Complications. Pulmonary hypertension; Respiratory failure .
- Cold and Flu question: Can you cough up flesh? It is possible but unless you .
- Possible treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. . This blood may subsequently be coughed up. Depending on the type of tumor, so-called paraneoplastic phenomena . . It usually originates in peripheral lung tissue. .
- Jump to Common Lung Hazards: Cigarette smoke can cause air passages to close up and make . to destruction of lung tissue that occurs in emphysema. . has many possible triggers and can be life-threatening. . Tuberculosis (TB) - Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium spread by the coughing or sneezing of a .
- 25 Apr 2011. patients' lung tissue, causing them to cough up the bacteria, . Roche about a possible collaboration and was awaiting a reply. .
- 28 Aug 2009 . Possible signs of small cell lung cancer include coughing, chest pain, . . to check for cancer cells in the sputum (mucus coughed up from the lungs). . A small piece of tissue is removed through the needle and checked .
- 25 Apr 2011. patients' lung tissue, causing them to cough up the bacteria, . Roche about a possible collaboration and was awaiting a reply. .
- 22 Dec 2010 . However, they didnt report patients coughing up blood although autopsies showed blood . Using lung tissue of 1918 influenza victims, . How exactly is any medical system going to deal with the possible onslaught? .
- Lung tissue, like other kinds of body tissue, contains DNA. . sputum (SPYOO-tum) Is mucus that Is coughed up from the lungs. . Possible symptoms include a cough that does not go away, chest pain, hoarseness, bloody sputum * .
- Problems in the lungs can also lead to coughing up of blood (hemoptysis), . .. Death of lung tissue (see Pulmonary Embolism (PE): Pulmonary Embolism) from .
- If too much tissue is removed or scarring occurs, the coughing will become worse and . . When lung tumors are advance, pets may cough up blood as well as phlegm. . I try to make their remaining life as pleasant as possible with cough .
- 29 Mar 2011 . Some lung tissue is removed and the incision is closed with sutures. . . Some hemoptysis (coughing up blood) occurs in 5% of needle biopsies . Possible complications of an open biopsy include infection or pneumothorax .
- People with active tuberculosis can cough up blood also. . They may need to take biopsies of your lung tissue to see if there is damage at a cellular level . It's possible that in your case it's something relatively minor, .
- 64 answersPulmonary infarction (necrosis of lung tissue that is cause by the lack of oxygen or . .. overview covers definition, possible causes of coughing up blood. .
- 25 Apr 2011 . Click for more on today's summer shape-up tip. . The infection destroys patients' lung tissue, causing them to cough up the bacteria, which then spread . Roche about a possible collaboration and was awaiting a reply. .
- 29 Apr 2011 . Wheezing, Cough, Cough, coughing up blood, pulmonary .
- 22 Apr 2011 . Is it possible to cough up and eat your own lung? ChaCha .
- 10 posts - 2 authorsTherefore, he felt it was possible that my dad actually coughed up the large part of the . I had radiation to my lung in the bronchus area, after the lung . This is turning into an epidemic of coughing up tumor or some other tissue. .
- That black stuff is dead lung your coughing up not bloody resin. . . IF it was in fact lung tissue i can assure you there would be blood and/or noticable . . because they tend to hold the smoke in their lungs for as long as possible, .
- 18 Nov 2008 . AskJoel; ┗ Possible Quitting Reactions; ┗ Possible Physical Changes . Since the question of cilia and coughing and lung damage comes up often I . wall and invade into underlying lung tissue and often spread throughout the . better you would have to make up for lost time, or more accurately, .
- Sufferers of lung cancer and tuberculosis often describe the presence of blood in their phlegm . You must seek immediate medical attention if you're cough up blood. . Spit that phlegm into a tissue rather than trying to swallow it, .
- Why after treatment from pneumonia am I still coughing up white mucus? It .
- I don't think he meant it literally. ..some sort of gas used in ww2, mustard gas maybe, or something like that made you cough up your lungs, literally .
- 16 Mar 2008 . (tubes that carry the oxygen to the lung tissue) become saturated with . the stone is coughed up, the lung can usually clear itself .
- A sample of pleural fluid, lung tissue, or discharge from sinuses may be collected . The following is a possible reason why this test may be done: . . Contact your healthcare worker if you cough up significant amounts of bright red .
- 13 Jan 2011 . Lung cancer occurs when a cancerous growth forms in lung tissue. . Before a tumor has spread to other parts of the body, possible . Coughing up any amount of blood may be a sign of a cancerous growth in the lungs. .
- 23 Jul 2009 . Biopsies of lung tissue are needed to confirm lung cancer. . Analysis of coughed-up sputum performed as a screening test for lung cancer . . Patients with poor lung function should have partial lobectomy, if possible. .
- It is also helpful in diagnosing symptoms such as coughing up bloody sputum, . Some lung tissue is removed and the cut closed with stitches. . Possible complications of an open biopsy include infection or lung collapse. .
- Normal lung tissue is made up of cells that are programmed by nature to create . Lung cancer may cause a number of symptoms. A cough is one of the more .
- 5 Jun 2010 . If the lung cancer is made up of both types, it is called mixed small . Cough that doesn't go away; Coughing up blood · Shortness of breath . a piece of tissue from your lungs for examination under a microscope. .
- Toxins in the Tar leach out into your lung tissue and then into the rest of .
- 9 Jan 2007 . Q. My mother-in-law was seen in the ER yesterday for coughing up blood. . A. Dear Carla, Lung cancer can occur in scar tissue. . Achieving more than 40-60% oxygen is not possible with these open and loose fitting .
- 18 Oct 2006 . Coughing up a lung, spleen or small animal just doesn't surface as a . brain tissue is not actually expelled by coughing, the cough itself .
- 4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 18 Oct 2009Coughed up lung tissue ? . I am a smoker who now smokes about a pack a . Lately on 3-4 different occasions I have coughed up some kind of tissue, each time the tissue looks . Fluid in Lungs - possible cancer in abdo. .
- it possible to cough up dead tissue from your lung? | ChaCha . Is it possible to cough up dead tissue from your lung? ChaCha Answer: It is only possible to cough up lung tissue if you have had a b.
- 28 Sep 2006 . A chest injury with bleeding is an example of another possible source of fluid. . tissue (adhesions) strung between the lung and the wall of the . the lung wall and into the air passages, where it may be coughed up. .
- 20 posts - 14 authors - Last post: 4 Jan 2009RECENTLY HE HAS COUGH UP THREE CHUNKS OF MEATY LOOKING BLOOD THAT .
- A lung nodule is relatively round lesion, or area of abnormal tissue . . go to the nearest Emergency Room and contact your physician as soon as possible. . Coughing up blood (hemoptysis). An air leak from the punctured lung into the .
- Also known as coughing up blood, it is a symptom of bleeding somewhere in the . pressures in the pulmonary arteries and can cause death of the lung tissue. . THIS DOES NOT DECREASE THE SUSPICION THAT A POSSIBLE LIFE THREATENING .
- 4 Jun 2008 . And staying as active as possible will also help. . . Coughing up large amounts of bloody sputum. Collapse of a lung (pneumothorax). . . This usually is done if the abnormal lung tissue is located close to the chest .
- 5 Oct 2007 . (tubes that carry the oxygen to the lung tissue) become saturated with . the stone is coughed up, the lung can usually clear itself. .
- About 20% of cases of pneumonia that cause the death of lung tissue (necrotizing pneumonia) . As the illness progresses, about 75% of patients will cough up foul or . . In some cases of widespread involvement surgery is not possible; .
- No, "coughing up a lung" is just a saying. It's not literally possible, excep. . Yes you can cough up lung tissue, and the young lady that answered your . .
- There is no cure for COPD, and the damaged lung tissue doesn't repair itself. . Expectorants - drugs to loosen the phlegm and make it easier to cough up. . technique called lung volume reduction surgery is a possible option. .
- 10 Mar 2011 . Pleura: Membranous sac that envelops each lung and lines the thoracic cavity. . The oxygen diffuses or passes into the tissue fluid, and then into . Patients come down with fever, chills, and pain, coughing up phlegm .
- This scarring of the lung tissue results in the permanent loss of . .. a lung specialist and they took samples of stuff he would cough up and took scans and x-rays. . is a lung transplant possible for her. she is around 50 years old. .
- Some people cough up blood or sputum streaked with blood (hemoptysis—see .
- 20 May 2011 . Hemoptysis is the coughing up of blood from the respiratory tract. . to tissue death), pneumonia (a lung infection), and tuberculosis. .