June 29, 2011
- 25 May 2011 – A handheld camera for radio, This American Life takes an intimate look . My story was about how this particular drug court, run by Judge .
- 1 Apr 2011 – I had one more option, and that was drug court. . of both problems was recently explored on public radio's This American Life. Lindsey Dills, 17, has been under the supervision of a Georgia drug court run by Judge .
- 27 Mar 2011 – I manage several drug courts and I found the "This American Life" drug court story appalling. Judge Amanda William's abuse of judicial power .
- 28 Mar 2011 – Hat tip to commenter "Keep This Thread Alive" for pointing out this piece from "This American Life" about the drug court run by Judge Amanda .
- 7 Apr 2011 – I had one more option, and that was drug court. . Critics also question the extraordinary power given to judges in . A horrifying example of both problems was recently explored on public radio's This American Life. .
- 10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 2 AprJudge Williams' drug court may be unique. . In Glynn County Georgia, reports the popular radio show This American Life this week, .
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- TOUGH LOVE JUDGE FIGHTS BACK, THREATENS IRA GLASS WITH LAWSUIT. A few weeks ago the radio show This American Life profiled a Georgia drug court program that .
- 4 Jul 2009 – Boston Globe: When five drug traffickers in military uniforms were caught . The men were prosecuted by a special drug court that the US government has spent . . Senior American attorneys from the Justice Department mentor 36 . after last year's murder of a drug court judge - protects the staff. .
- 22 Apr 2011 – National Public Radio affiliates will air an episode of This .
- 14 Apr 2011 – On March 25, 2011, Ira Glass on his national radio show “This American Life” trashed the drug court supervised by Chief Judge Amanda F. .
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- An episode of Ira Glass' "This American Life'' that centers on cases in Glynn County, Ga. 's drug court will air today on public radio stations in Georgia and . who went through Superior Court Judge Amanda F. Williams' drug court. .
- 25 Mar 2011 – Ira reports from Glynn County Georgia on Superior Court .
- Judiciary. Ga. Judge Defends Drug Court Practices After Critical Episode of 'This American Life'. Posted Apr 18, 2011 1:13 PM CDT By Molly McDonough .
- Very Tough Love - a drug court gone wild - This American Life. . on Superior Court Judge Amanda Williams and how she runs the drug courts in Glynn, .
- 30 Mar 2011 – When she entered Glynn County drug court, Ms. Dills had no idea that . of her life in a dark, unexamined corner of the American criminal .
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- 29 Mar 2011 – But Judge Williams forces them to go into drug court or face the . . /2011-03-26/story/glynn-county-drug-court-focus-american-life-episode- .
- 4 May 2011 – Composed of gubernatorial appointees, House members, and .
- 31 Mar 2011 – Very Tough Love | This American Life. This week: A drug court program . Court Judge Amanda Williams and how she runs the drug courts in .
- 14 Apr 2011 – Ira Glass of “This American Life” said in a March 25 .
- 31 Mar 2011 – The radio program “This American Life” recently highlighted the unusual . The Glynn/Camden Drug Court is run by Judge Amanda Williams, .
- 24 Jun 2011 – This American Life is a weekly public radio show broadcast .
- 6 May 2011 – First, I heard the story (This American Life) about the out-of-control judge who was using a drug court in Georgia to wage her vindicative .
- The March 25, 2011 episode of the radio show This American Life focused on the harsh practices of Drug Court Judge Amanda Williams in Glynn, .
- 16 May 2011 – My entire outlook on life has done a 180 because of Drug Court; my drug of . “we must put a Drug Court within reach of every eligible American. . of drug court, and we believe in the words of Judge Dennis Challeen; .
- 19 posts - 7 authors - Last post: 13 AprThis American Life usually has good content, but I couldn't take my . But one main way that Judge Williams' drug court is different from .
- 13 posts - 7 authorsJump to Long story short, This American Life runs a story.: Long story short, This American Life runs a story about how drug court judge Williams is .
- 18 Apr 2011 – The notorious drug court judge, Judge Amanda Williams, . Williams claimed that the radio program This American Life was “libel .
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- 15 Apr 2011 – He is representing Judge Amanda Williams, the subject of a March 25 . of “This American Life,” which said the practices of her drug court .
- 30 Mar 2011 – The briefing also follows a recent exposé, by weekly public radio show This American Life, of a Georgia drug court that has tied up people .
- 29 Mar 2011 – One of them comes from public radio's This American Life .
- 28 Mar 2011 – . This American Life , which featured a hostile Georgia drug court judge and her relentless power-trips against first time drug offenders. .
- 29 Mar 2011 – Judge Williams' drug court may be unique. . as a spokesperson tells This American Life, the group is aware of at least 150 drug courts .
- 28 Mar 2011 – The Night Clay Aiken Saved My Life . Run, don;t walk, to This American Life's Drug Court episode from this weekend .
- 3 Sep 2010 – Google "This American Life" and "drug court" for info about a Georgia drug court judge who abuses those forced to come before her. .
- 18 Apr 2011 – Judge Defends Drug Court Practices After Critical Episode of 'This American Life'. (Posted on ABA Journal Top Stories at Mon, Apr 18, .
- 5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 1 AprJudge Williams' drug court may be unique. . over the nation's more than 2000 drug courts and, as a spokesperson tells This American Life, .
- 6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 5 Apr. check out Saturday's This American Life story about a girl in Glynn . But one main way that Judge Williams' drug court is different .
- 5 Apr 2011 – Though the Wayne drug court is new, Williams, the chief judge for the . the threat attributed it to the report on This American Life. .
- 26 Mar 2011 – An episode of Ira Glass' "This American Life'' that centers .
- 20 posts - 14 authors - Last post: 26 MarShe's the worst judge in the entire drug court system. . Listen to "This .
- 31 Mar 2011 – It's tough being the drug czar – people keep criticizing . . by weekly public radio show This American Life, of a Georgia drug court that has tied up . . sadomoralist judge, its flaws become immediately apparent. .
- Judge Defends Drug Court Practices After Critical Episode of 'This American Life'. Monday, April 18th, 2011. A judge in southern Georgia is speaking out .
- This American Life - Little movies for radio. | Facebook.
- 2 May 2011 – In Georgia, on the edges of the Marshes of Glynn, drug court seems to be . of “This American Life” was intrigued when he learned of Judge .
- 15 Apr 2011 – 1) Judge Williams' drug court uses punitive sanctions for . 2) Judge Williams' court uses a variety of means that other drug courts don't .