May 28, 2011
- 13 Jan 2011 . Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, . . The History of Santa Claus, Reindeer names: Dasher, Dancer, .
- 11.22 Santa Claus, Indiana. 11.17 Radio Station Added. 01.07 History & Facts . St. Nicholas took one hundred dinars of his father's money and tied it up .
- 13 Nov 2006 . (Marvel Holiday Special 2007 (fb) - BTS) - The history of Santa Claus . . By some accounts, Santa Claus and Father Christmas are separate .
- Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas or Geoff, . Although the Sto history of Santa is garbled, historians have indicated that some elements of the .
- 24 Dec 2010 . by Francesca in Charity, Poetry Tags: father christmas, history, santa claus, teddybear, who is father christmas .
- In England his name is Father Christmas. He looks much like Santa Claus, . this translates as Chimney John" relating to the story that Santa comes down .
- The history of Pantomime. Father Christmas and Santa Claus . WAY back in the mists of European and British history to when the Green Man was celebrated as .
- St Nicholas, Father Christmas and the Santa Claus Story; Christmas Poems: 'A Visit from St. Nicholas' (1823) attributed to Clement Clark Moore, but probably .
- United Kingdom United States, Father Christmas Santa Claus Kris Kringle . The History of Santa Claus. Story of Santa Mouse, The .
- Santa Claus history. Everybody knows Santa Claus and everybody loves him, . Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas or simply Santa is .
- Let's explore a brief history of Santa Claus and see how we got to the jolly old . the character of Father Christmas dates back to the 17th century. .
- A reason for the subsequent romantic story that Santa comes down the . . c. mid-1950's English Father Christmas slowly gives way to American Santa Claus. .
- The Father of Santa Claus. Washington_Irving.JPG (77425 bytes) . Irving's significance in the story of Santa Claus can't be understated. .
- 17 Dec 2010 . Tags - christmas crackers bbc story history nativity culture traditions xmas festive santa claus father christmas coke cola nativity .
- As you put out your plate of cookies and glass of milk for Santa Claus this Christmas Eve, spare a thought for the history of Father Christmas.
- Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Father Christmas, . .. The story that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole may also have been a Nast .
- A Brief History Of Santa Claus. Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle or simply "Santa", is the legendary and mythical .
- Among these are Father Christmas, also known as Santa Claus, Père Noël, . .. Throughout the holiday's history, Christmas has been the subject of both .
- 8 Mar 2010 . My daughter has been told from day one that Santa Claus is just a fun story and that we bring the presents. Know what? .
- Santa Claus hasn't always looked like the jolly old fellow we know today. . Because their father could not afford the dowries necessary for them to marry, .
- This story gives Santa a bit of the Lord of the Rings treatment, . Although Santa Claus and Father Christmas have picked up many attributes from each .
- In others, the pagan fertility figure and the Christian bishop gradually combined to become Father Christmas, or Santa Claus. .
- For most of history Christmas was just one of many festivals celebrated . The modern Santa Claus or Father Christmas was invented in the 1860s by a .
- 26 Dec 2009 . So this time, instead I'll talk about Santa Claus/Father . Cara, I'm with you on the Rudolph Santa even though I do like that story--I'm .
- Santa Claus (also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy or simply . Last edited Oct 19, 2010 See all topic history » .
- Does Santa Claus exist? History of Santa Claus; Saint Nicholas and Christmas . Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy or simply Santa) does exist. .
- Father Christmas is a name for Santa Claus that is commonly used in Britain. . Search. Featured videos: View more history politics society videos .
- A closer listen implies that Santa Claus is actually the child's father, . . and also I thought tell me a story was cute and I try it out on my Dad and I .
- Father Christmas dates back at least as far as the 17th century in Britain . The story that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole may also have been a Nast .
- 19 Dec 2009 . Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santa Claus … . Smithsonian Networks takes a revealing pop history look at the amazing .
- The changing faces of Santa Claus - History enthusiasts should visit the BBC . The Anglo-American Santa Claus or Father Christmas has come to dominate the .
- For the first time ever, Santa Claus chronicles his life and legend in a story destined to take its place among Christmas classics. .
- So just who were Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, Father Christmas, . .. At this juncture in history, Christmas had little to do with family from within and .
- 1 Dec 2010 . The story that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole may also have been a . In England, children send their Santa letter to: Santa/Father .
- history of santa claus christmas dilemma Dec holidays dim elfs as well as santa claus elfin design story of christmas a story of father Santa Claus Tracker .
- 23 Dec 2009 . Thomas Nast's 1881 illustration of Merry Old Santa Claus for Harper's Weekly. . . Pre-modern representations of the gift-giver from church history and . Father Christmas dates back at least as far as the 17th century .
- Santa Claus. Father Christmas - Clause - Real - History - Kris Kringle - Saint Nick - Santo Clos - Papa Noel - Pere Noel - Origins - Origin - Games - Clause .
- 3 Nov 2007 . The idea of Santa Claus has a long history. Was he created by the Coca Cola . Santa, or Father Christmas, was a bearded man in a green, .
- 17 Nov 2009. some parts of the final makeup of Santa Claus/ Father Christmas. . While I cannot contribute to the history of Santa Claus, .
- History of Santa Claus. Christmas has for many centuries been a time for the . Among these are Father Christmas, also known as Santa Claus, Père Noël, .
- I also do this for the curiousity of history and origins of traditions. . .. Santa Claus, or "Father Christmas", came back into English Christmas .
- santa claus house. Santa's Village News · Santa's Village History . As a father, he tried to give his own children the type of Christmas that he only knew .
- 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 20 Dec 2010We all know the story of Santa Claus. Father Christmas, St Nicholas, Sinterklaas. .whatever you may call him. He is the symbol of Christmas .
- 22 Dec 2007 . Shortly after that the Santa Claus and Father Christmas legends began their . . to have their story of Santa Claus supersede all others. .
- 5 answersThere Really Is a Santa Claus: The History of St. Nicholas & Christmas Holiday . . Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, .
- 17 Feb 2011 . But do these words describe Saint Nicholas or Father Christmas or Santa Claus? There were several forerunners to this chubby, .
- 22 Dec 2008 . Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, . A Christianized version of the story is that Saint Nicolas .
- 8 posts - 3 authorsSanta Claus (also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, . . Since the inception of the story of Santa, societal attitudes about weight and its effects .
- 14 Dec 2010 . So what established the American template for Santa Claus? . the notion that Santa was not the rail thin Father Christmas of British lore, .
- The Story of Santa Claus. From 4th Century Bishop to modern day Lapland legend, . An interesting fact that most people aren't aware of is that Father .